Life at RenaissanceRe

We work together to solve some of the world’s most complicated problems. Our work environment is challenging, but it is also welcoming. You are surrounded by some of the brightest people in the industry and there is a strong culture of respect for the contributions that each person makes to the company.

Our Integrated System encourages debate and collaboration so that, together, we can reach the best decisions. We ask each other for input and listen to everyone’s ideas, but we also take ownership of our work and accountability for our decisions.

We are passionate about giving back to the communities where we live and work and regularly come together as a team in support of local charitable efforts.

Our Values

Our Corporate Values, “FRIPP”, form the basis for how we behave and are the cornerstone of both our ethics expectations and our business success. Select a Value to discover more.


Filtering inputs to avoid distraction, in order to concentrate on tasks that lead to the accomplishment of an overall goal.


Treating all of our stakeholders with a genuine sense of worth for their person.


Maintaining an approach to all dealings that is upright honest and morally sound.


Having the ability and spending the time to produce results that are accurate and thorough, tempered with practicality.


Undertaking action fueled by conviction, excitement and enthusiasm.

Our values

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

At RenaissanceRe, we’re building a stronger company by seeking diversity, creating equity and practicing inclusion. Led by our DEI Council, these principles guide both our programmatic approach and our daily actions to ensure our employees thrive.

We have active DEI Advisory Committees in each of our offices. These groups further our DEI efforts and learning locally, organizing compelling events and opportunities to discuss and connect with each other.

Learn more about our focus on diversity, equity and inclusion

Learn more